Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The SUN is STILL shining in Texas...Protect your SKIN

A little advice for all you sunbathers...

With all the sunny days, most of us look forward to laying out in the sun, tanning, or even taking the chance of going to the tanning beds to get a little "extra glow." I have to admit, I am right there with all of you. I love the sun and having a nice glow for the summer months. I also know that many times we don't bother to put on sunscreen, or we just would rather not wear it or just use tanning oil. Again, I am one of those people, too...well, I was, until I saw this video.

The news is always telling us how bad sun exposure is to our skin and that we should use sunscreen for protection, but how often do we actually listen to what they are saying? I know that I often times let the information go in one ear and out the other. Now, I use sunscreen when I am laying out in the sun, and although I used to go to the tanning beds every now and then...I DON'T any longer (sorry I really don't want to get skin cancer anymore).

It is so easy to protect your skin. Keep yourself young, youthful, and give yourself a long life. So, watch this video. It had a major impact on me and how I think of sun exposure, and maybe it can make you start thinking, too... It's called "Dear 16 year old Me"

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