Saturday, December 24, 2011

Stockings by the Fire

I know this isn't my usual fashion article, but I figured it was appropriate... It's Christmas Eve y'all!! My family gathered in our living room tonight to have a "first annual Curran Christmas Eve Game Night". After the games were over, we got to talking about our Christmas traditions... stockings being just one of the many. As you see in this picture, there are five different stockings: (from left to right) my sister's, my dad's, my brother's, my mom's, and mine. Each year they are hung in the same order, and we anxiously wait to wake up with them full of goodies on Christmas morning.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Festive for the Holidays

With Christmas just a few days away, it's time to think about all things festive...and why not even include your nails! I have always been obsessed with finding new ideas for nail polish colors and patterns, and recently I have found a few on the fun side. On the left, I decided to go with a glittery-girly look: a metallic gold glitter on all of the nails. The fourth finger has a black crackle polish over the gold glitter. This look works really well for a cocktail event, or maybe even New Years! On the right, I decided to venture out and try Sally Hanson's new nail effects. I chose the leopard pattern (duh) and it ended up looking fantastic. This look would be great for a night out or even a good way to liven up your daily attire. So, be bold for the holidays and add some festivity to your nails!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Best Dressed

Emma Watson

My apologies for being a little M.I.A. lately. Even though school has kept me busy most of the time...I have also fit in time to lust over celebrities outfits for all of the major Hollywood events. Although the premiere for My Week With Marilyn was about two weeks ago, I can't stop thinking about Emma Watson's super chic girly-girl ensemble. The fun, feathery top stays classic with it's neutral color- and the added touch of the thin black bowed belt completely accentuates her tiny waist. This top, paired with a great closet-must-have skirt, looks amazing. Although I would have gone with a different black shoe (not so much a fan of the thin strap across the ankle), I am absolutely obsessed with her clutch (of course I's leopard!). I think the clutch just finishes off the outfit perfectly. The outfit is entirely, classicly-chic while still showing a trendy side with the feathers and leopard. Well done Emma, well done.